Papuna Sharikadze (piano) & Khondzi (alto sax) Join us on February 13 at 7 PM at ShapeShifter Lab for the pre-release concert of 'First of Many', the debut album by NYC-based duo Papuna Sharikadze (piano) and Khondzi (alto saxophone). Recorded at the Blue Frog studio in NYC, this album showcases 10 original compositions that […]
Cole Rotante - Dobro, Sam Dallas - Bass, Diane Stockwell - Violin, Maggie Stuckey - Piano, Mo Stuckey - Ukulele A Valentine's Day comedy and music celebration with performances by Adam Wade, Natasha Vaynblat, Stuckey & Murray, and music by Paper Anniversary. Instagram Facebook YouTube
Come out and square dance at the ShapeShifter Lab on February 15th! Bring friends and family and learn how to "do-si-do", "rip and snort," and more. Alex “Sargent Seedoo” Udis and Emily Hosmer-Dillard will call and teach all dances. Dance to the tunes of award-winning old-time and bluegrass string band musicians Jennifer Wilkin, Andrea Asprelli, Eli Hetko, […]
Erez Aviram - Piano Simon Crosby-Arreaza - Soprano Saxophone, Alto Saxophone, Flute Ludovica Burtone - Violin Agustin Uriburu - Cello Justin Mullens - French Horn Skyler Hagner - Baritone Saxophone James Robbins - Bass John Sturino - Drums Erez Aviram is an eclectic composer residing in Park Slope, Brooklyn. After performances at the Rochester Jazz […]