Megan Bones
Ryan Castalia
Yvonne Brechbuhler
Matt Mitler + One Assistant
“You haven’t seen Macbeth until you’ve seen it presented by Dzieci, and you’re not likely to see anything resembling it ever again!”
~ David Finkle, Huffington Post ~
“Makbet”, Dzieci Theatre’s visceral take on Macbeth, begins as soon as you enter the space. A riotous clan from the “Old Country” greets you with song, dance, and divination, then embarks on a riotous whirlwind of spine-tingling, immersive, theatrical invention. With feats of astonishing physicality and otherworldly choral chanting, Dzieci’s Makbet comes alive through the unflinching performance of a handful of actors who take turns spontaneously trading off parts at the drop of a hat, exploding the art of storytelling, and creating a one-of-a-kind experience which audiences have said is, “Absolutely liberating!”
Dzieci Theatre, founded in 1997 by Matt Mitler, is an international experimental ensemble dedicated to a search for the “sacred” through the medium of theatre.